Bot Setup (Discord)
To start setting up your bot, use - /setup
To modify these settings, click on the relevant category and then select the option you wish to change!
🔧 General Settings Category
Log Channel: You can tag the channel or copy its ID by right-clicking on a channel and selecting "Copy ID" (you must have Discord Developer Mode enabled).
🎫 Tickets Settings
Max Tickets Per User: Set the maximum number of tickets a user can open.
Transcript Channel: This channel will display logs of all tickets opened.
Transcript On Close: The bot will automatically send a transcript when a ticket is closed.
Send transcript to user: Choose whether you want the bot to send transcripts to users.
Message Type: Choose between using buttons or a menu for your ticket system.
Go to this page to manage the ticket categories
🔔 Suggestions Settings
Channel: Set the channel where all suggestions will be sent when the command is used.
Upvote Emoji: Customize the upvote emoji for suggestion embeds.
Downvote Emoji: Customize the downvote emoji for suggestion embeds.
👋 Welcome / Leave Settings
Channel: Set the channel where a message will be sent when a user joins the server.
Message: Send the embed created on our website.
Placeholders Avaliable
{user-tag} -> Jhoan#0535
{user-name} -> Jhoan
{user-id} -> 612460795124776960
{user-avatar} -> Link of the user avatar
{guild-icon} -> Link of the server icon
{guild-name} -> Server name
{memberCount} -> Server member count (109)
{createdTimestamp} -> unix time when a user joined discord
{joinedTimestamp} -> unix time when a user joined your server
Only for Welcome Message
{inviter-tag} -> Edwi#4110
{inviter-name} -> Edwi
{inviter-id} -> 500789907149553674
{code} -> The invitation code used to join the server
✅ Verification Settings
Role ID: Set the role that the bot gives to verified members.
✨ Levels Settings
Max XP: Set the maximum amount of XP a player can achieve.
Minimum XP: Set the minimum amount of XP a player can achieve.
🕵️ Filter Settings
Anti-Links: The bot will automatically delete any links sent by users.
Anti-Invites: The bot will automatically delete any server invites sent by users.
Bypass-Roles: Set the roles that can bypass these filters.
Last updated